> Welcome
> Why FCA?
> Our Programs
> Sample Lessons
> Enrollment
> Our Costs
> Our Policies
> Accreditation

Once you decide FCA Homeschool is the place for your child, you can immediately enroll by using your credit or
debit card to make your downpayment. See number 8 at the bottom of this page.
1. Check your state’s law concerning homeschool.
Click Here.
Our program is available for use in all 50 states. If there are any state mandated regulations,
we can assist you so that you are in compliance with those regulations. If you any questions at all,
email us.
2. Fill out the Application. You can apply online
(Click Here), print out the application (Click Here),
or if you have no printer, email us (Click Here),
fax us at 856 - 438 - 5450, or call us at 856- 438 - 5450 and we will send you the registration forms.
3. Print out the Student Transfer Form.
(Click Here). Send the Student Transfer Form to your local school. For those in high school,
we need a transcript before any course work can be sent to you, so to speed this process,
call your local school and request that they fax (856- 438 - 5450) an unofficial transcript to us.
4. If your child was homeschooled, we need documentation for our academic records:
a list of courses/subjects with the years included
a list of textbooks that were used a list
of what material was covered for the course any
standardized testing that was done and the final grade received
5. If your state requires a written Course Description of subjects and content, let us know.
We can mail them or fax them to the local superintendent of schools. At the time of this request,
please supply us the mailing address or fax number.
6. For High School Students-Complete the Course Selection Form. You can submit the form
online or mail it to us. Click Here
to submit online or Click here
to print it.
7. Return the Application, Student Course Selection Form (High School Students Only) with
the downpayment (including shipping charges) to:
Faith Christian Academy
Division of Homeschool
P. O. Box 114
Williamstown, N.J. 08094
8. You can use your credit card or debit card to make your downpayment and begin classes immediately.
Click here