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> Accreditation

Although Faith Christian Academy
was recognized as a private school by the state of New Jersey, as well as other
organizations, we have never sought formal accreditation from regional accrediting boards.
The rationale behind this decision was quite simple. When the school started in 1980,
the intent was to develop FCA into an unique educational institution. Our mission was
to create an educational program with a definite Christian perspective. We believe that
by seeking accreditation from secular agencies we would in fact, be requesting that an
evaluation be made about our program, in which the decision to grant accreditation or
not would be based upon a criteria of established standards that does not allow for
such a distinctive educational approach as ours. Consequently, we have never sought
formal accreditation.
However, we also understood the accountability issue. For we believe that the
accountability for our program has always been with our parents, as well as with the
success of our young people. Consider this, if we fail to provide the quality education
that we have promised to the parents, surely the parents would move their child to another
school that would provide it. In addition to the accountability to the parents, there
is also the accountability to our graduates and to their success. For if our high school
program failed to prepare our students for the college level, our academic reputation
would indeed suffer.
So what affect if any, does not seeking accreditation have on your child's educational
future? Does it hurt the chances of someone going on to college after high school?
Our junior and seniors that have been enrolled in our college prep program have
continued to score above the national average in the verbal and math sections.
Additionally, our experience has been that the majority of our seniors have continued
their education at the collegiate level.
Moreover, consider the example of the many home school students
that have been accepted into many colleges and universities across America.
Click here
for list of colleges that have accepted homeschool students)
And lastly, what about the students that have transferred to other schools? For over
twenty years, students have transferred in and out of FCA and had their classes and/or
credits accepted by their new schools. This has been the case that we have seen as our
students move across New Jersey and across the country.